Image: Il sole ritrovato, Štěpán Zavřel, Bohem Press Italia, Trieste, 2010
General Goal
Fostering the integration of arts and creativity in the curricula of primary and secondary schools in Europe, using the STEAM interdisciplinary teaching approach, through the integration of art (A) with other technical scientific disciplines: science (S), technology (T), engineering (E), art (A) and mathematics (M).
Specific Goals
1. Analysing.
Analysing the school curricula of different countries using and integrating the new methodology previously developed by the leader
partner Fundación Universitaria San Pablo – Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Spain) and determining the opportunity areas to integrate arts and design in STEAM projects.
2. Developing.
Developing and testing STEAM projects in real environments, based on cooperative puzzles and including new learning methodologies that promote the skills associated to creativity and arts, such as lateral thinking, communication, participation,
and engagement.
3. Promoting.
Promoting the adaption of educational systems to current societal challenges, mainly regarding sustainable development, that requires
competencies associated with creativity, design, and innovation.
4. Including.
Promoting the social inclusion of students by fostering participatory approaches and intercultural dialogue in education.
5. Improving.
Improving the skills of trainers and educators, providing them with tools and resources to achieve the project objectives.
6. Contacting.
Contacting decision-makers in the field of education, to improve the education laws and the existing curricula.