Image: Un sogno a Venezia, Štěpán Zavřel, Bohem Press Italia, Trieste, 2013

L’ultimo albero, Štěpán Zavřel, Bohem Press Italia, Trieste, 2016
Visit our new youtube channel
Check the videos of our new channel “STEM/STEAM Education” The Štĕpán Zavřel Foundation, the Italian partner, developed two STEAM projects entitled ‘Make the invisible visible’, to explore feelings and encourage creativity through the theme of the ‘house of the soul’ and ‘AI for creative people’ to combine arts and technology,…
Cristina De Negri presents the DArt4City project “Motion Pictures” at the Didacta Italia Fair organised by INDIRE
On 10 March in Florence at the “Fiera Didacta Italia”, teacher Cristina De Negri was able to present the STEAM project “Images in motion” created with the students of the “Giovanni Pascoli” primary school in Vittorio Veneto. Through the interdisciplinarity of the STEAM subjects, this educational path was illustrated having as…
The “Motion Pictures” project presented at the Scientix Conference in Italy
From 28 to 30 September 2022, the Italian community of Scientix organized the third edition of the Scientix Italia Conference online, an event dedicated to schools during which projects and good practices related to the various sectors of science were presented to teachers, by other teachers. From bioeconomy to educational robotics,…